Urban Legends: The Final Cut follows Amy Mayfield, a student at Alpine University who struggles to complete her thesis film on urban legends – only to have her crew members fall prey to fatal ‘accidents.’ Suspicious, Amy investigates and discovers a much more sinister hand at work. Now she must unmask the killer before she, too, becomes an urban legend.

Urban Legends: The Final Cut is about as good or as bad as you’d expected from cheesy 90s horror. A sequel to 1998’s teen-slasher flick, Urban Legends, your enjoyment of this film is hinged solely on how you view the original. Personally, I felt the first movie was a great addition to the ’90s slasher craze. Fast forward 2 years and we have Final Cut. This film is another solid little slasher and despite some flaws, is a fun way to burn a couple of hours.

Directed by John Ottman who is primarily known as a composer (Halloween H2O) and featuring a surprisingly extensive cast (once again) that includes Hart Bochner, Eva Mendes and Anthony Anderson, this legend revolves around a film school where students are competing for the Hitchcock film award. When innocent Amy Mayfield (Jennifer Morrison) decides to make a movie loosely based on the events of the first film, her crew finds themselves slowly being picked off one by one by a killer wearing none other than a fencing mask. Similar to the first, he uses a few classic urban legends as inspiration for his kills, but like the majority of sequels we don’t see anything too different from the original and some kills feel flat/lazy!

Legends never die…

Originally posted to Rue Morgue


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